
Almond Cardamom Cake

This gluten-free recipe is a success, being light and fluff this cake doesn’t last. The cardamom gives a delicate taste and adds sweetness. The high amount of protein from eggs and almonds makes it a great and very satisfying snack.

Native from India and Indonesia this delicious spice is slowly but surely becoming more popular. I am seeing more and more recipes with cardamom. It has a warm, fruity, zesty citrus flavor. When used by itself it gives a delicious an exotic touch.

Like most spices cardamon has a high amount of antioxidants, therefore will help protect cells from damage. It may also contribute to lower blood pressure since it has a diuretic effect. Because of its many compounds it may help reduce and stop inflammation. It has being show that it can improve breathing by increase the uptake of oxygen. And the list goes on.

This is a yummy cake with a special and delicate flavor sure to please.


Prep: 10 mins   |   Cook: 30 mins   |   Total: 40 mins



5 large eggs at room temperature, separated

1 tsp of apple cider vinegar

1/3 cup of sugar

1 3/4 cup of almond flour

1 tsp of ground cardamom

1 tsp of baking powder



Preheat the oven to 325ºF / 160ºC

Line the bottom of an 8-inch springform pan with parchment paper. Lightly grease the sides of the pan.

Whisk together the almond flour and the baking powder, reserve. Add the vinegar to the egg whites. Using an electric mixer, beat the egg whites until soft peaks are formed. While still beating, add the egg yolks one by one followed by the cardamom and the sugar. Beat for another 3 minutes. Fold the almond flour with the baking powder, whisk until just combined.

Pour the batter into the prepared pan. Bake in the middle of the oven for 30 minutes, or when a toothpick inserted comes out clean.

Remove from the oven and let it cool completely. Pass a thin blade between the pan and the cake. Unmold and enjoy!

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