Cauliflower Quiche

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This gluten-free quiche has a very airy and fluffy filling that melts in your mouth. The main ingredients are cauliflower and eggs making it a complete one dish meal. You have fibers, proteins and carbs in one serving. To make it even more filling and well rounded, serve with brown rice and salad.

It is very easy to make, blend everything together and put in the oven kind of recipe. Making it a great meal option during a busy week. It is also a good way to make picky eaters eat more veggies. Depending on how picky your family is, adding more shredded cheese, using one cup of cheddar instead of half, might be a good way to reduce the cauliflower taste. Even though cauliflower is not a very flavorful vegetable.

But what cauliflower lacks in taste it doesn’t lack in nutrients. It belongs to the same family as broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale and others, the cruciferous family. One cup of cauliflower covers 100% of your daily need of vitamin C, 25% of vitamin K and 10% vitamin B6 and folate. Besides providing water and fiber, 92% of cauliflower is water.


Serving dish of butternut squash made with brown rice and quinoa decorated with basil leaves


Choline is an essential nutrient needed for a healthy nervous system, metabolism and liver health. The daily recommended amount for men and women is respectively 550 mg and 425 mg being the best sources; meats, fish, dairy and eggs. But many green vegetables also offer choline in smaller amounts. One cup of cooked broccoli will offer 60 mg of choline and one cup of cauliflower will provide 47 mg. The eggs together with the cauliflower make this quiche a good source of choline.

Compounds found in cauliflower may help prevent cancer by aiding the inactivation of carcinogens, protecting DNA integrity and limiting the growth of tumors. Although human studies have shown conflicting results on the benefits of cruciferous, you can’t go wrong by including more cauliflower in your diet.

If you are inspired in eating more cruciferous vegetables, here are 2 worth trying recipes: Broccoli & Walnut Sandwich and Breaded Brussels Sprouts with Yogurt Sauce.


detail of the slice of the cauliflower quiche served with salad



Prep: 30 mins   |   Cook: 15 + 55 mins   |   Total: 1 hour 40 mins



1 Oat & Chia Pie Crust – add a dash of salt to the dough

1 cauliflower head steamed (about 3 cups of florets)

1 cup of mashed potatoes (about 3 medium potatoes)

4 eggs

2 tbsp of brewer’s yeast

½ cup of shredded cheddar cheese 

½  tsp of nutmeg

½ tsp of onion powder

½ tsp of thyme

½ tsp of salt

Black pepper to taste



Preheat the oven to 350ºF (180ºC). Pre-bake the Oat & Chia Pie Crust for 15 minutes. 

Using an immersion blender, blender or food processor, process the cauliflower, mashed potatoes, eggs, brewer’s yeast, nutmeg, onion powder, thyme, salt and black pepper. Process until a creamy and smooth consistency is obtained. Fold the cheddar cheese and carefully mix to combine.

Pour the cauliflower filling in the pie crust and bake for 55 minutes or until the pie is light golden brown. Enjoy!

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Here we celebrate easy to make delicious healthy food! We often times substitute traditional ingredients for superfoods to increase the nutritional value while still keeping it finger licking good!


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